
K-LIFE Online is our weekly community news, filling you in on everything that's new with your church and surrounding community.

K-LIFE Online
If you want to stay up to date with all things Kettering Adventist Church, there is no better resource than our K-LIFE emails. Subscribe to receive them weekly.
This Week's E-Mail
Published Thursdays at 7pm
| KHN Grief Support
After the loss of a loved one, comfort and support are very important to the healing process. Join Kettering Health Network’s Grief Support Group...
...(5pm on Wednesdays) – an online community of caring listeners providing a support system for you and your loved ones. Join by Zoom or by phone:
  • Number: (312) 626 6799
  • Meeting ID: 946 9744 7087
  • Passcode: 424241
For more information call (937) 723-3883 or email
|| Youth Summer Camp
Registration is open for the Ohio Conference's "Amazing Grace" Youth Summer Camp at Camp Mohaven....
  • Cub Camp June 13 - 19th
  • Junior Camp June 20 - 26th
  • Tween Camp June 27th - July 3rd
  • Family Camp July 4 - 11th
  • Teen Camp July 11 - 17th
For more information and to register, visit the youth department online at:
KETTERING CONNECT is a weekly podcast diving deeper into the sermon topic. Ask a question about this week's sermon topic and submit it below for us to talk about!
Community Need Gisel Mendez, a DACA student from Andrews University is doing her clinical rotation here in the Dayton area and is looking for a room from April-September. If you know of a room or would like open your home, please contact us.
Do You Have An Announcement?
Fill out the message box below and we'll follow up with you.
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"Praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints."

– Ephesians 3:18
Open Prayer List
+ Vanessa Waters
"Pray for Jorden's parents–a five year old from the community. She went to sleep with Jesus from Cancer. Pray for her teachers and friends who loved her."
+ Dylan Campbell
"Prayers for successful surgery and healing. Dylan is having a rather complex surgery today (Friday, July 2) for a shunt that has suffered infections."
+ Forest Anderson
"Prayers for healing. Forrest Anderson, a long time member of our community, experienced a stroke in March and is currently on the path to recovery."
+ Sara & Alex Mihai
"Prayers for safe delivery and birth of our firstborn. We are 37 weeks along and this pregnancy is considered high risk. Grateful that everything has gone well so far and thankful that God is in control no matter what happens."
+ Roberta McMahan
Prayer for protection during and healing after surgery.
+ Tamela Gehres
Prayers for healing.
+ Larry Beneke
Prayer for healing after surgery.
+ Sandy Rule
Prayer for healing and strength.
+ Kristy Gelford
Prayer for God's clear guidance.
+ Teresa Simmons
Prayer for strength and healing.
+ Tiffany Thompson
Prayer for strength and healing.
+ Brian Smith
Prayer for Continued healing.
+ Ed Leach
Prayer for healing and strength.
+ Linda Wiser
Prayer for healing and encouragement.
PRAY for
Do you need prayer?
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All Church Events

5 | Xmas teardown
8-18, 6:30pm | 10 Days of Prayer
11 | Potluck
11, 6pm | Church Interfaith Gathering
18, 4pm | The Forge Showing
18, 6pm | Deaconesses' Gathering
20, 6pm | Women's Bible Study
21, 6pm | Financial Peace Uni.

Generational Ministry

Kid's & Family
11 | 
Kid's Church
11, 2:30pm
| Adventurer Meeting
18 | Feeding Our Neighbors

8, 2:30pm
| Adventurer Meeting

8, 2:30pm
| Adventurer Meeting

12, 2:30pm
| Adventurer Meeting

10, 2:30pm
| Investiture
11, 6pm | YTH & YA Gym Night
Young Adults
7, 10:30am | YA Coffee Date
11, 6pm | YTH & YA Gym Night
22, 1:30pm | YA Coffee Date
31 | YA Vespers